1. Partnership

We consider the customers our partners, whose satisfaction is crucial for the success and continuity of our business. We strive to anticipate the wishes and future requirements of our customers and provide suitable solutions.

2. Commitment

We are committed to comply with legal requirements and meet any specific needs of our customers in a cost-effective way taking into account quality, safety, health and environmental issues.

3. Creativity

Our creativity and knowledge are the basis for the development of new products and thereby ensure future prosperity. We relentlessly strive to meet the requirements and needs of our customers and help them solve problems.

4. Management

We are committed to continuously improving the management system, including various aspects such as quality, environment, finances, logistics, technology and safety at work, and thereby adapting it to a changing environment.

5. Advantages

We strive to create unique selling propositions for us and for our customers and to be a reliable partner providing excellent flexible services.

6. Communication

Our corporate culture is characterised by an open communication and a result-oriented cooperation. We are committed to a confidential relationship with all our partners and collaborators.

7. Solutions

For us our mission and challenge essentially involve questioning and reconsidering the status-quo and continuous improvement (quality, environment, treasury, logistics, technology and safety at work) aimed at developing future-oriented solutions within our field of competence.

8. Innovation

We consider problems and detected weaknesses an opportunity for innovation and improvement. Therefore, we strive to continuously improve the processes throughout the company, for “Failing to go forward means to go backward”.

9. Motivation

The qualification, knowledge and motivation of our employees are essential for the success of a company. Therefore, we are committed to keeping our employees informed and supporting their personal development and the enhancement of their knowledge and skills by seminars and workshops.